The Impact

Learning Changes Us

The Listen to Learn curriculum is not easy. The course is challenging academically and demands the sacrifice of time, energy, and money from our students.

Our two-year, eight-semester primary curriculum is 500 hours of listening - the equivalent of 20 years of Sunday morning sermons compacted into twenty-four months. Almost everyone loves the idea of being a student, but only the committed enjoy the work that leads to results.

Our students gravitate to our world-class biblical training programme because they see how it has helped their friends grow spiritually and become more effective in their church. They want to achieve an even greater impact in their families, churches and communities. And the evidence shows that impact is happening.

For the Graduate

Can anyone who studies the Bible intensively for two years, under the guidance of great teachers, not experience transformation?

Interviews with our graduates include some of the changes below:

  • Increased confidence in their calling as leaders
  • Pride of accomplishment and recognition by peers
  • Encouragement to face life’s challenges with hope in their hearts
  • Increased knowledge of scripture and mastery of sound doctrine
  • Enhanced critical thinking and leadership skills;
  • Deepened desire to share their faith, locally and far afield.
For the Church

What happens to a local church when its pastor and maybe several lay leaders have tasted such personal growth?

  • Pastors preach more Bible-based sermons
  • Sunday-school teachers and youth leaders are more eager and confident
  • Women’s leaders are empowered
  • Church members do more to help the needy in their community
  • Personal expressions of faith increase and a desire to share their faith with confidence surges
  • Followers step forward to go plant new churches. Some venture to dangerous places, wanting to share their faith in places it has seldom before been heard.
For the Community

What is the largest social-transformation organization in the world? One you can find in virtually every African city, town & village? The most reliable bridge to the needy? The church.

An emboldened and encouraged church leads to stronger communities:

  • Schools and teaching for the impoverished families
  • Help and shelter for those experiencing homelessness
  • Food, protection, and encouragement for widows
  • Concern and outreach to the social outcasts
  • Populating the marketplace, schools, and government institutions with dynamic Jesus-followers.
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